Calming Meditations for Stress and Overwhelm!
Take a deep breath and relax on Sunday mornings or anytime with Elsie!
Elsie thank you so much for your kind, deep and gentle wisdom that you are sharing with us out here in the larger world. Your generosity is so appreciated, particularly these difficult days. I wish for you that the knowledge you are sharing goes out into the world in wider and wider circles. Please keep up your teachings! Julie Ritter
I’m ok. I’m calming down. Your Sunday video is great. I appreciate your work. Laura Johnston
Blessings for the Energy Centers on the Pisces New Moon
Write your abundance check w/in 24 hours of the new moon. See the link here on how to write your monthly abundance check every new moon!
Three Heart Healing Tips
Here are 3 heart-healthy healing tips to practice daily. One more tip for February Heart Month! Check out the EESystem at Great for anxiety, and depression and also to charge your cells, repair DNA, and support your body, mind, and spirit with amazing scalar wave energy!
Hello March
Welcome to March! Enjoy these healing tips to begin the month with and welcome the hopes for Spring’s arrival. You can schedule a free chat with me to see if what I do can assist your journey at
Golden Sun Meditation to Brighten Everyday!
Close your eyes and allow your intention and focus to bring in the beneficial and healing rays of the golden sun every day. Warm your body, mind, heart, and soul whenever the cold winds, snow, rain, and other weather events occur. Photo credit goes to Andrey Grinkevich on Unsplash
Back to Indian Summer in Autumn
Transitional Season Time
As the leaves fall and Autumn takes hold, warm Indian Summer has returned briefly. Work with the lung meridian and boost the immune system for health and vitality during this transitional season weather. Also, check out the Energy Enhancement System at Infinite Possibilities Center. this is the latest energy technology combining scalar waves, biophoton light energy, and color therapy. Check out the video explanations on our website
New Moon – Write Your Abundance Check
Sending Love from the Heart Center ~
Simple, easy, and timeless. Send love to those that have passed on or send to past or present difficult situations. If I can be of service to help you move forward, click this link for a free 20-minute. chat. Energy Enhancement Center is open now – check out our EES system
Strawberry Full Moon Weekend
Grab some strawberries, kick back, and take in the expansive full moon weekend. Set your intention to receive the highest vibration and an abundance of health – our true wealth – along with an abundance of love, relationships, and prosperity in your career and passion.
Stretch Out the Throat Center!
Experience the EES system at our new center – Infinite Possibilities
Blessed long holiday as we honor and remember our men and women who served our country for our precious freedom.
Divine Light, Divine Love, Divine JOY!
Abundance Check Link – 2 min. video – and ~ EES System Divine Light ~ fill every cell of your body with Divine Light Divine Love ~ the greatest healer of all Divine Joy ~ is so needed in today’s world Need help?
Reach out for a free 20-min chat Also, check out the Energy Enhancement System in Marlton, NJ at link above.
Release Anxiety & Jaw Tension
Try this simple calming exercise that not only relaxes the flight/fight alarm bell but also soothes the muscles of the face and especially the jaw area. If you are looking for help to move forward in your life, set up a 20-min. free chat with me to learn how I can help you with anxiety, fear, doubt, and overwhelm.
Golden Sun Meditation
We begin the weekend with the May Flower Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse on May 5th. Here is how to view the live stream! This 5-minute meditation invites the power of the Sun to nourish all of our beingness. Relax, let go and enjoy the weekend. If you would like help moving forward, consider a complimentary 20-minute chat with me.
Happy Hormones!
Blessings the energy centers is one of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s most famous meditations. Here is an easy way to balance and connect these vital hormonal aspects at the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, reproductive system, and kidney and adrenals at the root center. Need Help Moving Forward? Schedule a complimentary 20-min chat with me.
Two Calming Points!
Relax with two calming energy points guaranteed to bring a sense of peace, calm, and serenity to your body, mind, and spirit!
Energy Tips for Today and Every Day
Celebrating the culmination of Holy Week with Easter and two healing tips. One to calm anxiety and one to energize the body whenever needed. Then just sink in, breathe in the life force, and let go as you exhale. Need Help Moving Forward? Schedule a complimentary 20-min chat with me.
Calm Anxiety ~ Easy, Effective
Energy Medicine
Here is an easy, effective energy medicine practice to calm anxiety and bring oneself into an inner state of peace. Perfect practice as we wave goodbye to the long month of March and hop into the sacred traditions of Passover and Easter. This easy practice for anxiety can be done anytime you need to recenter.
Just Called to Say “I Love You”
Say “I Love You” Today! Fill your heart and someone else’s heart with Love! Our time here is precious and limited ~ acknowledge those you love on daily basis. Free 20-min. Chat with Elsie! Let’s see how I can help you move forward and take the next step in your life.
Nine Hearts to Welcome February!
Free chat with Elsie – Goodbye January and Hello February – the Heart Month Try these easy exercises for the heart to open joy and gratitude and then send them out to the world!
Hold Your Sacred Self ~
Hold Your Sacred Self!
Hold your sacred self and in so doing, hold all of humanity’s sacred self. This week I discussed an epidemic of overdose and asked us to breathe in love, compassion, gratitude, and resilience. For the first time in the US, 100,000 overdose deaths in the last year, and many were the results of the Fentanyl crisis. Parents have shared their vulnerability and grief over the loss of their sons and daughters on YouTube in hopes of alerting other parents and kids to this escalating crisis situation. These young people were not addicts just looking for a little high and had no idea they were ingesting Fentanyl, which is 50% more powerful than heroin and 80% more powerful than morphine. It only takes one pill!
Healing Winter Tips!
Friday night’s Full moon started the weekend off with a bang! This is the January Wolf Moon! All of nature is sleeping and resting till spring. So, let’s take quiet time and utilize these winter healing tips during cold and flu season. Are you ready to move out of your comfort zone? Contact me for a free 20-minute consult to see if my work can help you move forward. Set-up at
Use Color to Charge Your Energy Centers for Holiday Joy!
Have fun coloring your energy centers and radiate the glorious energy of nature’s rainbow! Anytime, bring in color to support your body, mind, and spirit. Don’t Miss the News on 2023 with Pam A Quantum Shift Astrological Guidance for January~April 2023 With Astrologer Pam Younghans And Moderator Elsie Kerns Airing live and recorded on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 4 pm PDT | 5 pm MDT | 6 pm CDT | 7 pm EDT | 11 pm GMT 75-minute class | $27 USD Register ~
“I Have Amazing Coping Skills”
Navigating the holidays can be trying, draining, and emotional. Program your brain with this positive affirmation for the holiday hustle and every day!
Give Yourself a Hug!
As we end the holiday weekend, take a few moments to give yourself a hug. Your fingertips resting on your shoulders will touch into points that govern decision-making and discernment. Just let go and get ready to step into a new month – the final month of 2022. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious, consider a 20-minute. free chat with me – schedule at this link.
Thanksgiving Blessings!
Heaven & Earth Connection to the Divine YOU!
Gather the energies from the earth and reach up to the heavens. Now, let’s connect each energy center that is connected to your hormonal system beginning with the pineal gland, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, heart, pancreas, sacred sacral center, root, and deep into Mother Earth. Help your energy and hormones flow with ease and grace. Remember your human and divine preciousness. Elsie Kerns, Energy Intuitive, Reiki Master, and Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner.
Beautiful Full Moon Come Dream
with Me Tonight!
Bold, Bright Aries full Moon Dream with Me Tonight! Let your light illuminate my dreams and weave your magic through my physical, emotional and spiritual essence.
Balance those Wild & Crazy Hormones!
7-mins. to balance those wild and crazy hormones. Connecting pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, heart, pancreas, pelvis, and root centers. Allowing divine wisdom, divine clarity, divine communication, divine immunity, divine love, divine sweetness, divine creativity, and divine grounding to center our being between heaven and earth. Curious about alternative/complementary medicine? I invite you to set up a 20-min. complimentary chat to find out how these alternatives can support you and your traditional medical needs.
Welcome Fall Equinox!
Autumn Equinox on this Thursday, September 22, 2022! The word Equinox comes from the Latin “aequus” meaning equal and “nox” meaning night. This is when the Sun crosses that “celestial equator”— described as an imaginary extension of Earth’s equator line into space. The Equinox on Thursday will occur precisely when the Sun’s center passes through this line of the “celestial equator.” New Season ~ New Beginning!
Harvest Moon, Mercury Retrograde & 9/11 Tribute
Friday Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, went into Retrograde till Oct. 2nd. Mercury is the great messenger of the Gods and governs communication, technology, and more. It is also a time of reflection as it spins backward giving us time for pause. Saturday we will have the Harvest Full Moon and can invite the magnificent expansive energy of the Harvest Moon to come and teach us in dream time. On Sunday, a tribute to all those that lost their lives on 9/11 and blessings to all those that helped that day and for the months after as the country tried to recover.
The Labor Day Weekend Quiet Time with 6 mins. of Gratitude
The perfect way to celebrate the annual Labor Day Weekend with this 6-min. Gratitude movie. On the East Coast, this weekend signals the end of summer as preparation for returning to school and the upbeat pace of Fall. Enjoy this beautiful presentation by Louie Schwartzberg. Blessings for the days ahead!
Virgo New Moon Saturday ~ Write Your Abundance Check within 24 hrs. of the New Moon!
Saturday’s new moon in Virgo will grace the skies NY time at 4:17 am on Saturday, August 27. Be prepared to write your Abundance check within 24 hours of the New Moon. This 2-min. video will show you exactly what to do if you have not done it before.
3 Healing Tips for the Eyes, Heart, and the Lungs!
Easy healing tips for nourishing the eyes with the power of the Infinity Sign, Figure “8” and then releasing anxiety and grief from the lungs and helping the eternal heart.
Consider joining the Divine Feminine Gathering Monthly Membership ($9.97 per month). August guest on Thursday, August 25th is a medical intuitive.
Honor the Divine Feminine &
Divine Masculine Energies!
Take time today to honor the divine feminine and divine masculine qualities within all of humanity. Let go of the old and welcome these divine qualities into your being. Are you curious about energy medicine and how it can help you? Then, schedule a free chat with me.
Welcome August & Leo the Lion
Let’s invite the qualities of Leo the Lion in as we enter the month of August. Infuse all of your beingness with love, compassion, courage, confidence, bravery, and leadership skills.
The Power of Love vs. the Love of Power
Take in the Power of Love! Remind yourself that you are always worthy to receive healing and to send healing to others and the world. Connect your head and heart and just sit with yourself for a few minutes and invite the healing energies of the universe to flow through your body, mind, heart, and soul.
Three Healing Tips!
Enjoy these 3 healing tips by working around the auricular acupunctures around the ears, then helping to rest and restore the throat area. Finally, support the eyes. Restoring the peripheral vision and energizing and relaxing the eyes. Now, connect the energy centers from the Divine Masculine all the way down to the Divine Feminine. Full Moon on July 13th so we are riding into a high-energy week!
5 Mina. to Honor America’s Freedom!
As we navigate this transitional time, stop and honor the precious freedom we enjoy as Americans. Despite the difficult challenges we are experiencing, we are still blessed. Let us preserve this great nation with love and care.
3 Sleep Tips!
3 sleep tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. First, clear that scatter chatter from the day. Next, calm two anxiety points while using the straw breath, and finally, rest with the front and back hold. Try all three or find your favorite one.
Honoring the Divine Masculine! We have both energies – yin feminine and yang masculine We receive information and ideas on the left receptive yin side but we need the right action yang masculine side to activate those ideas and creative inspirations into manifestation. This weekend we pay tribute to the fathers, stepdads, granddads and foster dads, and other special men in our lives for their courage, sacrifice, support, and care. As we honor the Divine Masculine, let us be mindful of their unique qualities and also balance the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine for the best of both worlds!
If you are interested in how energy medicine practices can help you move forward, set up a 20-min. complimentary chat with me at
Four Restorative Breaths ~ Unwind & Recharge
Drop your palms down 2” below the navel, breathe and expand the low belly, the seat of creation, from this center we birth life and our own unique creativity. Move up to the heart center between the breast the seat of love and compassion. Breathe deeply to expand the heart center. Nurture this center of life and love. Be aware of the prefrontal cortex area at the forehead, the seat of cognitive control functions. Light up the pineal gland and your intuitive awareness. Reach to the crown center connecting to the great divine in the universal expansive energy field. Enhance direct knowing for inspiration and guidance. Now, starting above the crown center, imprint the powerful Figure 8’s all the way down to the pubic center and back up several times three times and end at the navel, the original gate of life while floating in the womb. Reach out if the energy medicine or intuitive guidance I offer can assist you in moving forward!
Swimming on this Magnificent Summer Weekend!
Swimming through the aura with the breaststroke to clear the emotional centers, do the backstroke for the will centers, and push out from the sides to clear any last residue. Take in the sunshine, and warm breeze and just love yourself and this beautiful universe we are privileged to be part of every day! Reach out to Overwhelm Warrior if there is any way I can help you.
Create Your Personal Prayer Bowl
Create a prayer bowl to help raise the vibration of the earth and all those you place in the bowl – beginning with yourself and your family.
7-Mins. of Positive Affirmations!
Follow me and drink in these positive affirmations for positive thinking and actions. Relax and enjoy. Thanks for joining me and if there is any way I can help you move forward, reach out to me right here on the contact info listed on my website.
Full Moon & Full Lunar Eclipse!
Enjoy this weekend meditation with Heaven Rushing In and celebrate the full moon abundance. Learn more about this full moon at from Astrologer, Pam Younghans. Stressed? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Energy is the patient and Energy is the medicine. Learn effective energy practices to keep your energies humming! Ancient wisdom tools for modern times are available 24/7! Curious? Let’s Chat ~ Free 20 min.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day as we bless each of the energy centers also called chakras. Blessings to all the mothers, grandmothers, stepmoms, aunts, and kiddie caretakers.
We are in a very transitional time astrologically and Pam Younghans will be joining me to help us understand what to expect in the sun, moon, and stars from May through August. May 9th for this exciting presentation.
Vitality, Love, Joy!
Connect vital organs and electromagnetic energy to all of your being. Celebrate Spring and the New Moon on Saturday, April 30th, the 2nd New Moon in April. Set your intention for the next 30 days as you write your abundance check. Here is how to write that abundance check
Calm the Anxiety Alarm Bell!
Calm the flight-fight anxiety alarm bell with these easy, effective energy medicine practices. Energy medicine practices I teach are available 24/7! Here is an effective way to calm the flight-fight anxiety alarm. This easy exercise also crosses the right and left brain, takes a moment to give oneself a hug, and gently releases tension. If you are interested in helping your body manage anxiety, reach out to me and learn proven energy ways to calm anxiety and restore vitality!
Vitality, Love, Joy!
4-Min. Easter & Passover Sacred Holiday Meditation
This weekend’s meditation celebrates the sacred holidays of Easter and Passover and also self-care time to acknowledge your own sacred self. We have an entire weekend with the April full moon it is the pink moon and that is so perfect for Spring! Your sacred self is in every cell of your body, mind, and spirit. And most significantly resides in your heart. This sacred heart organ keeps us alive and vital, helps us Navigate emotions, and offers an intimate connection to the universal divine sacred self. We connect the emotion of “love” to the heart. Allow yourself to receive love and extend love. Imagine if we viewed the sacred self in everyone we met by upwelling our own sacred self and then seeing the sacred self in everyone around us. What a different world we could create!
New Moon Abundance ~ Write Your Abundance Check
April Fool’s Day began with a New Moon and time to set a new intention for the month ahead. Time to release the old and bring in the new. Furthermore, we will have another new moon on April 30th. Double abundance for the month of April. In our meditation, we are taking time to close out the outer world and settle into our inner world. Relaxation, serenity, peace, rest, and restoration. If you are looking for more abundance in your life, consider an hour Abundance Session with me via ZOOM to Unlock Your Abundance in 7 Key Energy Zones! You can schedule here:
7-Min. to Relax into your Physical Emotional and Spiritual Beingness.
Self-care time to check into your inner world and become aware with intention and attention how you can nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual beingness.
7-Min. Full Moon Expansion Building Resilience!
The Spring Equinox Full moon expansion weekend to kick-off Spring! Take time to boost your energy with this expansive full moon. Check out the LIVE VIP Day next Sunday, March 27th limited to six participants. I will be teaching enhanced ESP, spiritual evolution with the resurrection of your human and divine preciousness. We will also explore effective protocols for trauma and anxiety. This is LIVE VIP Luminary Healing Day is a deep dive into the heart and soul longings. Get the details right here on my website.
Spring Forward and Welcome Longer Daylight Hours!
Spring forward into your new form as we spring ahead in time tonight and also move into Spring Equinox next week. Breathe in your new form and release the old form as you recreate yourself for this new season. Touch into your heart and soul longings. Upwell your soul’s desire and bring these heart and soul longings into form now. Take the leap! If you would like assistance in this endeavor, reach out to me for a free 20-min. consultation. Schedule at:
8-Mins. with the Endless Energy of the Infinity Sign!
Support the eyes and throat with the endless energy of the Figure “8” Infinity Sign. Open the chest and heart center. Remove distractions in your outer world and check out your inner world. Bring in peace, calm, serenity and release fear, anxiety, and overwhelm.
February Melts into March Winds!
The beautiful heart month of February comes to a close and we welcome ever-changing March and a New Moon on Tuesday. Get ready to write your Abundance Check within 24 hrs. of the New Moon. Set intention for what you want and need at this time. Take this 10-mins. for self-care. See the Abundance section on my website to see how to write!
7-min. Weekend Meditation Celebrating Presidents Day!
Anchor yourself in the Universal Grid of Grace, Healing, and Wisdom! Invite this week’s full moon into every cell of the body, mind, and spirit. Light up every cell with the light and expansive energy of the moon. As we celebrate our presidential leaders, let us each personally seek to be a leader of truth, integrity, and accountability in our lives. Breathe into the heart center love, light, and healing for the body, mind, and spirit on a daily basis.
5-Min. Self-Care, Self-Love Meditation
Celebrating Valentine Day with Self-Care, Self-Love 5-minute meditation. Taking time to honor the self and others during heart month. Happy Valentine Day!
7-Min. Meditation using Colored Therapy
February is Heart Month. Let’s look at ways to open the heart energy center using color therapy and meditation. Touch base with your “heart of gold!
Elsie will be teaching Reiki Certification at Excitari Wellness Center in Medford, NJ.
(856) 885-2990
Reiki Level I Certification February 24 online from 7-9 pm; in-person February 27 for the energy experience from 12-4.
Reiki Level II March 2 online from 7-9 pm and in-person March 6 from 12-4.
Register under packages, go to
Balance the Hormones & Connect the Right/Left Brain
Take 6-mins. to bring more balance in your life with this weekend meditation. Crossing the right and left brain hemispheres provides clarity and balancing the hormones helps us cope with life easier. Our hormones are continually sending over 243 commands to the body-mind. Connecting and grounding these energies can boost your mood and calm the body simultaneously.
Clear the Mind, Calm the Body, and Uplift the Spirit!
Take 10 mins. with me to clear your mind, calm the body, and uplift your spirit. Let’s use the crown pull to release busy mind chatter, release the body’s anxiety, and uplift the spirit for positive ways to move forward. Schedule a 20-min. complimentary chat with me to see if what I offer in Energy Medicine, or Reiki, or Rahanni Celestial healing, Kinesiology (Muscle Testing), and online classes might benefit you. Schedule time with me.
Winter Wellness Tips & Meditation
Here are some Winter wellness winter tips. Put a nail brush by every sink! Oscillococcinum is a wonderful homeopathic remedy for flu-like symptoms. Tap your Thymus area to boost your immune system and Tap in Joy! We all need more joy in our life! Relax, restore, reflect over the weekend.
In the Quiet of Winter ~ Reflection
On this quiet Winter day, let us invite in the light energy of the universe into every cell of the body, mind, and spirit for renewal and relaxation. Let us energize the body, mind, and spirit with love, light, and joy!
5-Min. Power of Intention Meditation Welcome to 2022!
Welcome to our Weekend meditation on this first day of 2022! May this new year open to a new beginning, a fresh start where anything and everything is possible. Join me now in experiencing the power of “intention” meditation today.
Let us set the intention for vibrant health, world peace, healthy relationships, prosperity in business endeavors, gratitude, serenity, peace of mind, happiness and self-love as well as love and acceptance for all of humanity.
I set intention to open to all possibilities in my life and create vibrant health, healthy relationships, daily gratitude, inner peace, and serenity. I remind myself that I am worthy to receive love, joy, abundance, and extend compassion, kindness, and healing to the world. I manifest prosperity in all areas of my life.
I remember I am a creative expression of the Divine and express this creativity in every area of my daily life. I have amazing coping skills and navigate life with trust and confidence.
There is nothing I need to do at this moment but hold all of my being in love, honor, and reverence just as I am in this moment in time.
I welcome 2022 as I invite the new and release the old. As I view the nighttime sky, the vast and expansive Universe reminds me that anything and everything is possible!
Powerful Full Moon in Gemini
The Cold Winter Full Moon on December 18th is considered a micro moon because it is at the farthest point from Earth versus a supermoon that is close to the earth. Welcome the expansive energy of this powerful full moon in Gemini.
Now, with your imagination and intention, wrap yourself in the warm cocoon of your own safe space. Be it by the mountains, oceans, with loved ones, or in a special place in your home. Next, take a deep breath in and let it flow out through the straw breath – like you are sending the breath out through a straw. The straw breath calms the body-mind and helps lower blood pressure.
Bring in the expansive energies of the full moon to support you through the fast-moving pace of the holidays. Allow these expansive energies to fill you with the energies of peace, calm, and renewal. Invite the full moon energies to uplift your spirits as we get ready to celebrate and face 2022 with hope and purpose. Book a Complimentary 20-min. Chat with Elsie here
5-Minute Mindfulness Meditation!
Breathe in peace, serenity,
and relaxation.
Breathe out overwhelm, fear, and doubt.
Breathe in calm, confidence, clarity.
Release tension.
Nurture the body, mind, and spirit with mindfulness, love, and gratitude.
Amazing Total Solar Eclipse Weekend!
Allow the energy of this amazing total solar eclipse to light up your world with new information, ideas, and creativity. As we move deeper into the holiday season and closer to the end of this year. Don’t forget to write your Abundance Check and see this 2-minute video here on how to do
Sliding into the Season of Light & Joy!
Rest and restore as we finish the month of November and slide into December, the Season of Light, and the merriment of the holidays! New Moon and total Solar eclipse on Saturday, December 4th – get ready! Another big astrological event! Embrace confidence, clarity, and a sense of calm!
“I am worthy to receive!”
Enjoy this 7-min. mantra meditation reminding us that we are worthy to receive love, joy, and abundance and inviting us to send out compassion, kindness, and healing. The World needs all of these qualities more than ever before.
Falling Leaves ~ Time to “Let Go!”
Falling leaves signal the start of cooler weather and winter days ahead. The merriment of the holidays ahead is almost here! Pause to rest and restore with me. Feel free to set up a complimentary ZOOM complimentary chat with me to see how I might be able to help you move forward with energy medicine or my coaching program.
Hello November ~ 8 mins. of Gratitude
Welcome to the “thankful gratitude” month of November. Take these 8 mins. and devote yourself to your own self-care and gratitude. “Push Out the Old, Bring in the New!” helps us welcome a New Moon and New Intention for the month ahead. Blessed Thanksgiving.
Support Spleen and Boost Your Immune System!
The spleen is a feminine organ that is a great metabolizer. She metabolizes your food, feelings, thoughts, balances blood chemistry and, the most important function she performs is to fight infection for you. Let’s love her and support her and add the heart to this combination of love and support. Join our EFT ONLINE class this Thursday, Oct. 28th from 7-8:30 PM that is recorded for replay and includes handout and video follow-up. Free yourself with the Emotional Freedom Technique and change your life, habits, and outdated mindsets! Register
Breathe Deeply – Love the Lungs!
Take time to breathe deeply, open the lungs and let go of any unnecessary baggage. Get ready to ride into the week welcoming the full moon on Wednesday, Oct. 20th. Open to the abundance of full moon energy. Enjoy the magnificence of this Autumn season. Check out my 30-min. complimentary consult to see if there is a way I can help you move forward.
Embrace the “Light of the Divine”
Take personal time today to renew and restore your energy before the week ahead. Invite the “Light of the Divine” to embrace you on all levels!
Say “Hello” to Your Higher Self
Balance your hormonal system with each of the body’s energy centers. Then, reach into the depths of your own intuitive healing wisdom, higher self, and the universal quantum energy field for inspiration now!
Tap in JOY!
Join me for some self-care time and Tap in JOY ~ not only today but every day so you can reprogram your nervous system with joy instead of fear, doubt, worry. We simply cannot be in JOY and Fear at the same time. Retrain your brain for JOY and watch what happens in your life!
Chill with “Mellow Mudra”
Chill with this relaxing Mellow Mudra meditation. This mudra hand position works with lung and large intestine organs and the electrical lines of light acupuncture meridians. Try this for a restful night’s sleep or anytime to just relax and restore your body, mind, and spirit. Thanks for joining me, this is Elsie Kerns your Overwhelm Warrior.
Release the Old ~ Receive the New!
Just 7 minutes to release the old and receive the new! It is a new season and the final quarter of 2021. Take time to let go of the old and receive the new. Remind yourself you are worthy to receive!
Labor Day Weekend – Rest & Restore!
As we end the summer here and welcome September and the new Fall season, we celebrate with Labor Day Weekend and enjoy a long weekend. On Monday, September 6th, we have a New Moon and time to write your Abundance Check. This 2-min. video can show you exactly how to do the abundance check. Now, consider Unlocking Your Abundance in 7 Key Energy Zones with me with details here on my website.
Clearing the Lungs – Getting Ready for the Fall Season
Here is how to rake out the lungs to let go of grief and anxiety. They are working for us 24/7! Let go and get ready for the new season of Fall arriving this week!
Full Moon in Aquarius!
We have a full moon in Aquarius this weekend. Aquarius is the 11th Zodiac sign with the picture of the Water Bearer. The Fifth Dimensions made the song The Age of Aquarius famous back in 1969 which promises peace and harmony – none of which we have seen yet! Take time for self-care with this short 10-minute meditation and restore your energy for the week ahead!
Expand, Bless & Heal Your Energy Centers
Your energy centers are intimately connected with your hormonal system. Expand, bless and send healing to each center with me for optimum health and happy hormones!
The powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate Opening on 8/8 last week continue to nourish and support the earth on every level. Continue to bring that energy into your being!
Let’s talk about Unlocking Your Abundance in 7 Key Energy Zones. Check out the details right here on my website.
Consider a complimentary 30-minute discussion to find out if Energy Medicine can help you move forward.
The Lion’s Gate Opening 8-8-21
The Power of the August Leo the Lion Gate Opening provides spiritual and physical energy opportunities that peak on Sunday, August 8th when the Sun is in Leo and the star Sirius moves closer to Earth and aligns with Orion’s belt for the official opening of the Lion’s Gate. Astrologer, Pam Younghans points out that this Sunday’s official opening of the Lion’s Gate is heightened being on the day of the new moon, and that the number 88 in Chinese culture represents fortune and good luck!
Rest and Restore ~ 10 min. Meditation
Full Moon in Aquarius Meditation
Meditation for this full moon weekend in the sign of Aquarius. Sacred self-care time to enjoy the expansion, fullness, and excitement of the full moon energy. This meditation encourages you to set an intention for peace and serenity for the day and week ahead. The Fifth Dimension Song Aquarius – a few lines …When the moon is in the Seventh House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and LOVE will steer the stars, this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
Tame those Wild & Crazy Hormones!
Let’s connect and bless the hormonal system – pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, heart, pancreas, reproductive system, and root center. Aligning between the earth and the heavens!
New Moon, New Intention!
Take time to write your Abundance Check for the New Moon and Set New Intention as we ride to the Full Moon
Celebrating the Birth of America!
8-min. Meditation in tribute to July 4th and celebrating America with Irving Berlin’s famous song “God Bless America.”
As we celebrate this special July 4th birthday, let us be aware and thankful for all we have in this country, America, the land of the free and brave!
Soaking in Summer Joy!
Sitting in the heart center to receive joy, love, compassion, and resilience!
Summer Solstice on Father’s Day
Welcoming summer with today’s Solstice Celebration. Solstice, the longest day of the year, officially opening the glorious season of Summer! Additionally, we honor all the fathers, grandfathers, stepdads, uncles, and foster dads today.
Sunday Intention Meditation~
Set intention and connect to the power of the new moon solar eclipse that happened this past week to create a new intention for manifestation on June 24th full moon.
Drink in the Sweetness of Honeysuckles!
It’s honeysuckle season and the air is filled with the sweet smell of these climbing vines. Cut some and bring them into your home to fill your residence with summer scents. enjoy!
Honoring All Military Service Personnel
Taking time with this Meditation to honor all the men and women who have kept us safe and free with their service and sacrifices over the years.
Mother’s Day Celebration!
Tribute to all the special women in our lives today and everyday!
Connect to your Inner World!
Enjoy the rare pink supermoon on Monday, April 26th!
Release Stress & Support Resilience
Take time to connect with your sacred self for self care. Just 10-minutes to release stress and support resilience! We have stepped into the accelerated Spring time activities. Now, it is time to renew your energies and open to the joy of Spring and Summer to come!
New Moon = New Beginnings
Sunday, April 11th is a New Moon. Time to set intention for new beginnings over the next 30 days. Intention holds great power and promise. Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of our greatest spiritual teachers, wrote an entire book on “The Power of Intention.” Connect to your sacred self with this 10-minute meditation. And, remember to write your abundance check within 24 hours of the new moon. This link will tell exactly how to do ~
Celebrating Easter & Passover
Celebrating sacred holiday traditions with this sacred self-care 8-minute meditation!
Supermoon Sunday!
March’s full moon is called the “worm moon,” and is so close to the earth that it can be considered in the category of a supermoon. This full moon is in Libra inviting us to bring balance and harmony to our relationships. Step out into the light of full moons to receive intuitive guidance, renewed energy, and inspiration!
Sunday Energy Perks to Boost Vitality
As an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, I love to share short energizing ways to boost vitality and balance the body, mind and spirit. The best part is knowing that these easy, effective exercised and calm breathing techniques are available 24/7!
Celebrating Spring Equinox
Taking time to acknowledge the incredible power of the universal forces as we transition from winter to spring in the Northern hemisphere. Mother Nature is right on time as usual! Celebrate more sunshine, longer days and warmer temperatures to come.
Meditation for the Cazimi New Moon
8-min. Meditation in the Zen Room!
Balancing Winter to Springtime!
Step into my Zen room and take these 8-minutes to relax the body, mind, and spirit with the calming meditation of blowing out through the straw first and then following my voice to the count of 4 breaths in and then 4 breaths out. Following my voice to the count of breathing in 1, 2, 3, 4, and then out 4, 3, 2, 1. Now, tap in JOY to the area between the eyebrows as you envision someone you love or a joyous occasion. Finally, place one hand over the other at the heart center and expand your own heart energy to nurture you and those around you for the week to come! Thanks for joining me – see you next Sunday.
Full Moon Weekend Meditation
Good morning on this rainy weekend on the East coast. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior with a full Moon weekend meditation. With the full moon, we have the opportunity to receive that expansiveness, to take it in, let it nourish us. And then, send it out to the world and those around us.
Grab your coffee or tea. Get relaxed in your easy chair, close your eyes, and just take a deep breath in. Let go! Again, a deep breath in and letting go and dropping your shoulders. And a third time, a deep breath in, and this time blowing the breath out through that straw, that easy calming, strong breath.
Allow yourself to visualize the beauty and the light from the full moon. She is intuitive. She is expanding her light for earth and she is at the fullest of her potential during this weekend. Invite the potential of this full moon into your life. Allow it to help you move your forward and into the next phase of your life. As we drink in the enormous energy of this full moon, we allow ourselves to receive intuitive ideas, expansion and whatever it is we might need to move through the next month successfully. We’re simply connecting with the beauty, the radiance of this full moon and inviting her to broaden our intuitive abilities, to light our way through the days ahead and safely through the nights.
Again, a deep breath in. And just let it go. Allow this full moon to light up your heart and to light up every energy center and cell in your body. With divine, universal energy, divine love and divine knowing. Feel this expansion and beauty and the greatness of the full moon to fill you for your healing and the healing of others.
Let this full moon weekend provide restoration, renewal restoring your energy to its highest potential. Let the full moon, it’s brightness, it’s energy and all of its intuitive knowing serve you so that you may serve the world and those you love with greater capacity.
Again, just breathing in, breathing out through the straw slowly, easily as you invite your body-mind, and spirit to let go. Take in the enormous potential that exists in this full moon weekend and let it move you forward exponentially. The full moon as we look at it and observe it, there’s a gift we receive at the end of each cycle that begins with the new moon. So just stop, come out of your head and into your heart, and literally with your palms resting over your heart imagine receiving the divine full moon so that you can send it out to the world.
Do those figure eights, gently receiving the full moon energy, sending it out, just like the ocean as we watch the waves roll in and then roll back out. Use those figure eights, the power of the Infinity sign to support you. Finally, just place one hand over the other at the heart center and “Hold all of your being in love honor and reverence just as you are in this moment in time.” Breathing in, letting go, receiving yourself and the energy of the full moon, letting it serve you, so you may serve others.
Thank you for joining me for this weekend’s meditation. If I can help you, reach out to Have a great weekend.
8-min. Positive Affirmation Meditation
Positive Affirmations to finish out February!
Good morning. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelmed Warrior with our weekend meditation. As we glide through the last week of February, and possibly an additional snow storm. We’re just going to do some affirmations. Positive thinking that can carry us through the week till we welcome the month of March. So, I invite you to grab your tea or coffee, sit down, relax, close your eyes and just follow my voice.
And even if you don’t believe all the affirmations, just say them to yourself with me. So first let’s take a breath in and blow it out generally through that straw. And again, a deep breath in rolling it out generally like you’re blowing through a straw. One more time, deep breath in, blowing out through that straw, easy, relaxed. Let your shoulders drop and just take this time for your own self-care.
Follow my voice with these affirmations:
I am alive and active.
I am bold, brave and brilliant.
I am calm. Cool, conscious.
I am decisive and I am divine.
I am energy.
I am filled with love.
I am grateful and genuine.
I am healed and happy.
I am intuitive and innovative.
I am jumping with joy.
I am kind,
I am learning to be more loving.
I am magical and I am motivated.
I am nice, neat and I am negotiating life successfully.
I am open.
I am positive, protected, and productive.
I am seeking answers to my questions.
I am resting and restoring my body, mind and spirit.
I am spirit.
I am thankful, thoughtful and tender.
I am understanding
I am vital, valued and victorious.
I am well and winning the game of life.
I am Xtraordinary.
I am saying yes to life.
I am zealous and I am zipping through the rest of winter easily.
I’m going to repeat those again. Take a deep breath in, just let go. And again, let the shoulders drop. Take this time for your self-care.
I am alive and active.
I am bold, brave and brilliant.
I am calm. Cool, conscious.
I am decisive and I am divine.
I am energy.
I am filled with love.
I am grateful and genuine.
I am healed and happy.
I am intuitive and innovative.
I am jumping with joy.
I am kind,
I am learning to be more loving.
I am magical and I am motivated.
I am nice, neat and I am negotiating life successfully.
I am open.
I am positive, protected, and productive.
I am seeking answers to my questions.
I am resting and restoring my body, mind and spirit.
I am spirit.
I am thankful, thoughtful and tender.
I am understanding
I am vital, valued and victorious.
I am well and winning the game of life.
I am Xtraordinary.
I am saying yes to life.
I am zealous and I am zipping through the rest of winter easily.
Thank you for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior.
Please subscribe to my channel and newletter and you will receive another short video on healthy taps by signing up for my newsletter.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend and be safe out there on the ice and snow
Happy Valentine’s Day 2021!
Super Meditation for Super Bowl Sunday!
Super Thoughts for Quiet Restoration!
Welcome everybody. This is Elsie Kerns, your overwhelm warrior on this exciting super bowl Sunday and on the East coast, yet another snow storm! Grab your coffee or tea. Come join me and get a few moments to just relax, unwind, restore, renew your energy for the day ahead. Close your eyes, remove the distractions around you and take a deep breath in, just let it go. Let your shoulders drop and relax. Breathe in a nice easy rhythm. Whatever is your rhythm.
Now take a moment to find your safe space. Your safe space might be in the mountains by the ocean, a favorite chair or place in your home. Settle into that safe space. Now breathing in, let go, and again, breathing in, just let go!
We’re going to begin today by asking the great divine to anoint our lips, our ears, our mind and hearts with divine love and divine compassion. Now, inviting the great divine to bring in. Divine wisdom, divine clarity, divine kind words, divine communication, divine immunity, divine love at the heart and divine power. The power of love versus the love of power, divine creativity, divine grounding, centering our being between the great divine and mother earth. Feeling our legs and feet connecting and sinking into the support and the fire of mother earth. Taking another breath in and just letting go.
Being aware of our internal being and how our internal being is simply moving so that everything that needs to function to keep us alive and healthy is in harmony and acknowledging that we are living in, walking, talking, moving in a living miracle. Taking time for gratitude for all that the body does minute to minute. And, if there are any areas of difficulty for you today, send love and compassion to that part of you.
Again, breathing in, breathing in peace and calm, serenity and exhaling, and any fear, anxiety, or doubt. And again, breathing in a sense of calm, a sense of peace and deep serenity. Let go of worries, fears, frustrations or upsetting moments, just letting them go. Breathing in calm, peaceful sensations to move through the body, mind and spirit releasing and letting go of anything that is not serving you right now so that you can command your energy and your emotions and not let them command you.
Okay. I’m just breathing in letting go, feel the breath, move in and out easy. Relax. One final time bringing in at each energy center, beginning at the crown, divine wisdom at the forehead, divine clarity, through the lips divine kind words from the throat, divine communication at the thymus, divine immunity, at the heart in this heart-centered month, divine love, at the solar plexus, divine power. Again, the power of love versus the love of power. At the pelvic area, divine creativity, birthing not only life but ourselves and our ideas on the earth. Finally, divine grounding and connection to the great mother earth so that we are centered and aligned between the great divine and the great mother. Thank you for joining me this morning. This is Elsie Kerns, your overwhelm warrior. If there’s any way that I can help you reach out to Have a great day. Enjoy the super bowl and be safe in the snowstorm.
Rest, Restore and Renew Your Energy!
7-Minutes of Inner Stillness & Balance
Unlimited Potential!
Walk through the Gate of Unlimited Potential with me!
Synchronize the head and heart for clarity, strength and resilience!
Head-Heart Connection!
Good morning, Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior with this Sunday morning meditation. Today, we’re going to synchronize the brain and the heart together. Let’s just take a breath and just let go. Let the shoulders drop. Feel your feet, and legs your arms, let your whole body be alive this morning.
We’re going to begin with intention and visualization to connect into the depths of mother earth. We’re standing on a volcano of energy! With our intention, let’s send a laser line of light right From that pelvic girdle all the way down into the core of the earth, making that connection. And then let us bring up the energy from the core of the earth, with our breath, breathing in, breathing in, breathing in, bringing it all the way up to the heart center. Now reaching out into the universe, bringing down that great divine energy and meeting that earth energy in the heart so that now we have one strong laser line of light between heaven and earth. We’re going to simply ask that laser line to be brighter, wider, stronger so that it can support us, build resilience, and make that deep connection between the heart and the brain.
Breathing in letting go one hand over the other at the heart, just visualizing the strong laser line of light that you’ve created between heaven and earth being supported by the strength of both of these energies, the feminine in mother earth with the masculine divine father.
The Native Americans had a wonderful phrase, “may the energies of mother earth and father sky meet and marry in my heart and be separate no more.”
Close your eyes and with the power of your intention, ask that the strong laser line of light that you’ve created between heaven and earth simply see that line being stronger, brighter, wider, creating an intention to support yourself through these difficult times. Build resilience, breathing in, just letting go trusting in the energies of these two great powers, the great divine and mother earth, feeling them connecting synchronizing in your heart. And as you hold these two energies in your heart, see if there is a question or concern that you have, that you would like help with at this time. With your eyes closed hold this moment of quiet and ask that question or concern, ask your heart.
We have spent a lot of time in our brain with worry, anxiety over and over during this past year. But let us instead bring the strength of the powerful quantum field of the universe with the volcanic force and power of mother earth together, meeting in our heart. Allow the heart to give you the answers, the ideas, the creativity, the support, the intuitive information you need to guide your life. Just be still and let those intuitive suggestions, answers, ideas come to you, breathing in rhythm with no rush, expanding, building the energy in the heart center.
Again, letting that laser line of light. The intentions that you sent to create this synchronization between the heart and the brain, letting that laser line of light be stronger, brighter, wider, breathing in, letting go, Just, just letting go. Be in the present moment with your concerns or questions so that your heart can bring you insight support as you continue to build resilience and again, slowly breathing and letting go, letting those intuitive insights or answers. Simply come naturally and easily to you.
Notice your hands over the heart center are warmed by the energy of your heart. Your heart center so longs to guide you. And as you’ve created that connection, that synchronization between the heart and brain. You can now relax, let go, and feel the support resilience, and love at the heart. Let the energy of the heart expand and let us connect each energy center.
At the crown divine wisdom, the forehead, divine clarity at the throat, divine communication at the throat, divine love at the heart, at the solar plexus, divine power, “the power of love versus the love of power.” At the pelvis. Divine creativity, birthing ideas here on planet earth at the root center, divine grounding. Let all of those centers enhance and build energy at the heart for support resilience and self-love.
This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. Thank you for joining me for this Sunday’s meditation. Feel free to share it. And if there’s any way that I can help you, please reach out to Enjoy this magnificent Sunday. It’s clear, bright sunny here on the East coast. And just a reminder, we have a new moon coming this Wednesday, January 13th and you have 24 hours within which to write your Abundance Check. Here’s how to do
Thanks, everyone. Have a great day!
Sailing into 2021!
Sailing into 2021 with the Cleansing Prayer
Good morning, Elsie Kerns here with your Sunday 8-minute meditation as we officially end the long holiday weekend and get ready to sail into 2021.
Today, we’re going to practice some relaxation, renewal, and I’m going to take us through that short Cleansing Prayer. So, sit back with your coffee or tea and just take a deep breath in and let go breathing in deeply again and letting go, letting the shoulders drop. As you breathe in deeply, slowly, rhythmically, breathe out all the way just letting go. So again, just taking time for self-care and reflection over this long holiday weekend and preparation for fully stepping into 2021.
It is a rainy day here on the East coast. Expected to rain all day. It’s a perfect day for some journaling, quiet time. And again, just reflecting and thinking about planning what you feel you want to manifest in 2021.
Close your eyes and remove the outside world. Get in touch with the inside world. Just be aware, no judgment of how you’re feeling today. However that happens to be is okay! Connect in deeper with your inner world and as you do that, I’m going to say this Cleansing Prayer.
“I am now choosing to cleanse myself and release any and all thought forms, beings, situations, and energies that are no longer of service to my highest and greatest, good across all planes of my existence across all universes and lifetimes. I ask that all energies that are less than love be transmuted for the highest good of all. And so, it is. You are Luminous!”
I’d like to repeat this beautiful prayer again, the Cleansing Prayer. “I am now choosing. To cleanse myself and release any and all thought forms, beings, situations, and energies that are no longer of service to my highest and greatest good across all planes of my existence across all universes and lifetimes. I ask that all energies that are less than love, again, I asked that all energies that are less than love be transmuted for the highest good of all. And, so it is. You are Luminous!” Take a slow breath in and let those words settle within you. Bring one hand over the other at the heart center and remember those words, especially that last sentence, “I ask that all energies that are less than love, be transmuted for the highest good of all.”
Holding your heart center, breathe in the power of love, gratitude, compassion, and resilience. Again, breathing in the power of love, compassion, gratitude, and resilience. Hold those qualities, strengthen them within you so that they can radiate out from you. Taking a deep breath in again just letting go, I invite you to keep your eyes closed for a few minutes and just be with what you’re feeling and hold all of your being in love, honor, and reverence just as you are in this moment in time.
This is Elsie Kerns your Overwhelm Warrior. If there’s any way that I can be of service to you, check out Thanks for joining me this Sunday. Relax and enjoy this rainy Sunday!
Getting Ready to Say “Goodbye” to 2020 and “Hello” to 2021
What’s Right in Your Life?
Good morning, this is Elsie Kerns, your overwhelm warrior with our Sunday meditation. As we prepare to walk into the last week of 2020, and say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021. Let us just take some time to reflect.
The question I have for you is “what’s right in your life?” Hi, Lori. Thanks for joining me this morning. That question is “what’s right in your life?”
It seems like there’s a lot of things that went wrong in 2020, but I’m asking you to take time to just consider what’s right in your life in this moment. Let’s reflect with a little quiet, a little slow breathing, breathing in, breathing out through that straw again, breathing in again and out through the straw. Take a deep, deep breath in, out through the straw. As you get quiet, just ask your body, mind and spirit “what’s right in your life?”
Even though we go through difficult times. There’s usually something special we can find about what’s right in our life. Hold that memory, add warmth and love to what’s right in your life, right now!
I’m going to add a video clip below from Dewitt Jones, who is a famous photographer for National Geographic. As he went all over the world, he asked this very question. You’ll find his TED talk inspiring. Hi Megan, good morning. Thank you for joining us.
So again, let’s get quiet. Close your eyes, just come in and take a deep breath. Fill your lungs with the breath of life. Breathing in and out just naturally, as you normally do every day, breathing in and breathing out slower in, slow in, slow out with gentle breathing. There’s nothing you need to do in this moment, but just take care of yourself. And consider, what’s right in your life? Place one hand over the other at the heart and fill your body, mind and spirit with gratitude for what’s right in your life. Breathing in gratitude, grace, and letting go of the old, getting ready to bring in the new year. Again, breathing in deeply, slowly, letting go, just, just letting go.
Smile! Light up your brain with a smile. As you bring in what’s right in your life, come up and tap between the eyebrows, tap in the joy of what’s right in your life. This area between the eyebrows works with the nervous system and our nervous system needs to be reminded that even though it has been a difficult year, we can still tap in what’s right in our life.
Slow down and remember, you are enough! You are amazing to just put one foot in front of the other each and every day. Again, as you breathe in, breathe in the power of love, warmth, grace and wisdom. Make that connection between the divine father and the divine mother earth. Creating that line of strength between heaven and earth within you while filling your lungs with the breath of life breathing in and out slowly and rhythmically.
Smile outside, inside breathing slowly, rhythmically in your own natural way. Let your shoulders drop. Let your body mind and spirit enjoy these few minutes of relaxation on this chilly Sunday morning on the East coast here. Very cold. So, warm your heart with the power of love, gratitude, grace resilience, and build resilience for the year to come.
Now, in a very quiet whisper to yourself, just whisper “goodbye to 2020” as this week moves forward and you step into 2021 on January 1st.
Just stay with yourself for a few more moments. Enjoy your cup of coffee or hot tea, and just reflect on what’s right in your life.
Thank you for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns, your overwhelm warrior. If there’s any way I can help you, please feel free to reach out to me. Lori and Megan, thank you for joining me live. Have a great day everyone!
A life-changing event as Jupiter & Saturn Align in Aquarius on Winter Solstice
Major Astrological Alignment not seen since the 13th century!
Welcome everyone to our Sunday meditation. And this is a very significant one because we are only one day away from the winter solstice. And this particular winter solstice is expected to be a life-changing event. Saturn and Jupiter are aligned in Aquarius. And this has not happened since the 13th century in this specific configuration. And when that happened in the 13th century, we went from the “dark ages” into the Renaissance. So we’ll see what this brings us.
Traditionally fire and light are used to illuminate the darkest day of the year. With the shortest daylight hours. The Winter solstice event is Monday, December 21st. So this is a good time to set your intention and prepare for whatever this unique astrological event is going to usher in. So let’s get still for a moment and just be quiet. Let’s take this time to again, go inside and find that stillness that allows us to be in touch with our inner self and with our feelings and thoughts about this upcoming event.
So just taking a breath in and out, finding your safe space that may be located by the ocean or the mountains, just out in the forest and the woods. Create your safe space for this upcoming event and ushering in whatever change this might bring for humanity.
Breathing in deeply, we’re going to breathe out through that straw. Breathing in and out through the straw. Okay, again, deep, deep breath in and gently blowing out. As we contemplate the official beginning of winter, we know this is a time for going within, a time of reflection and we are also reflecting on this past year and the incredible events while setting an intention for our hopes and dreams for 2021. Let us set intention for peace and for restored hope in our future and trust in the letting go of this virus that has so changed all of our lives. See the winter solstice usher in a new age, new dawn to carry us safely through the winter till we emerge in the spring.
Now, place one hand over the heart center. And just check in breathing into your heart, new resilience, new courage, new intention for this major event and the days ahead and the year 2021.
Intentions are very powerful and meaningful. So let us set our intention for a bright future. One filled with peace, harmony, respect for all. Just taking time to stop, to be present, and to be aware of the breath that supports the life force. Breathing in letting go, breathing in, breathing out through that straw to create calmness and a sense of serenity, a sense of wellbeing, a sense of hope for the future for not only our individual futures but for all humanity.
So as Saturn and Jupiter come together and meet in this incredible alignment, let us take time to align our intention for our very highest purpose and elevate our vibration. Let the heart guide our actions with kindness and compassion for all lives.
Let us welcome in this new age, whatever is to come of this amazing event, and trust in the highest purpose for all of us.
Close your eyes and just, just breathe in and out slowly and rhythmically, just easy breathing in and letting go. We’re letting go of the past. As we step into the celebration of winter solstice tomorrow, Monday, and all the possibilities, this amazing configuration. Breathing in and out slowly, easily, and holding all of your being in love honor, and reverence just as you are in this moment, and every moment in time.
This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and I wish you all of the blessings of this holiday season. If I can help you in any way, feel free to reach out to me at Thank you.
New Moon Abundance Check on the Total Solar Eclipse
Powerful Solar Eclipse on New Moon!
Good morning, this is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior with today’s meditation. And this Sunday. We have not only a beautiful day on the East coast, but we’re getting ready for that meteor show tonight between midnight and 4:00 AM. Step outside and get a chance to view the Gemini media show.
We’re also getting ready for the new moon Monday that will also feature a total solar eclipse. So, we have a total solar eclipse tomorrow for the new moon, and we just had a lunar eclipse for the full moon a couple of weeks ago.
Eclipses tend to come in pairs and they’re very powerful so you want to use them to set great intention. Remember to write your abundance check within 24 hours of every new moon for what you want in your life. Set intention for those important aspects of your life that are ready to grow.
There’s a 3-minute video link that tells you exactly how to write your abundance check ( If you have not done that before. And if you have any questions, you can contact me.
Now, let’s get quiet for a moment. I invite you to close your eyes, remove the outside distractions of the world. And as you close your eyes, take a breath and just come into your inner world. Be aware of your breathing of the breath coming in and out creating a nice, rhythmic, easy breathing, connected to your inner world. Your inner self. Take this few minutes to be connected deeply to self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance.
Imagine that you’re breathing into your heart center, which is the most expanded center radiating out the most electromagnetic energy. Breathe into the heart and as you breathe out, sending that magnificent heart energy out to the world that so desperately needs it. Today and every day, again, breathing in and breathing out. Imagine doing that right from the heart center, creating an easy rhythmic, slow, and relaxing breathing. Check your shoulders, let them drop. Place your palms face down on your thighs being aware of your legs, feet and connection to the earth. Take another deep breath into the heart, letting the energy expand as it opens the heart center,
Be aware of the crown center at the top of the hand. And with intention simply allow the crown to open and receive guidance from the universe. Connect to the heavens above allowing that energy to move all the way through you down to the feet, grounding into mother earth. As you sit between heaven and earth, take a moment to reach inside of you. Create your intention for today and the coming week ahead. Intention is powerful!
Breathing in deeply through the heart center, breathing out, sending that intention out to the universe, breathing in again and out. Creating that slow, easy rhythm, feeling your feet and legs, feeling your whole body and returning to the heart center. Allow the heart center to open to you and the world. Breathing in deeply, just let go, relax the shoulders, letting go, just letting go.
There is nothing you need to do in this moment, but being connected to your inner being, taking time for self-care, self-love self-acceptance. At the crown center, invite divine wisdom. At the forehead, divine clarity. By the lips, kind words and from the throat, divine communication. From the heart, divine love. At the solar plexus, divine power, “the power of low versus the love of power.” Down to the pelvic area, divine creativity, birthing life and ourselves on the earth. From the root center, divine grounding and deep connection to the earth.
Take another deep breath and just, just let go. Stay where you are and take in this quiet time. Don’t get up just yet. Relax!
Thank you for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior reaching out to you today with the weekend meditation and reminding you about writing your abundance check within 24 hours of the new moon. Check out the link if you’re not sure exactly how to write. Have a beautiful day and a wonderful week ahead. (
Light Up Inside & Out!
You are an Electrical “Light” Being!
Welcome to this weekend’s meditation with Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelmed Warrior.
Go get your cup of tea or coffee. Get ready to relax. As we step into the season of light. We light up the outside and inside of our homes and we get ready to celebrate not only the holidays, but the ending of 2020. So let us take time this weekend to light up inside, to light up every cell of our body with love, health, joy.
We are walking around in this living miracle 24/7 as we light up ourselves with joy, health, Love. Let us also set clear intention to magnify and expand this light, touching into those MIRACLE STEM CELLS in our body and asking those miracles STEM CELLS to double, triple, and support us, to enhance our health and the quality of our life.
So with all the light we see around us and the decorations outside and inside, let us bring that all the way inside. Touch into the heart energy because she is the most expansive electromagnetic organ in the body.
As you are touching into the heart, ask her to help us light up the cells of our body with joy, health, Love. Also to multiply our stem cells for extraordinary vitality and health while we move through this very busy holiday season.
Let the shoulders drop, take these few moments. Just for time to be with yourself. Put aside that voice of inner judgment and just acknowledge all that you’ve done all of who you are in this lifetime. Again, taking a deep breath, letting those shoulders drop, letting the breath of life move through you. With intention and visualization, go back again and again, and light up the interior of your being every cell, every organ, every muscle with love, joy, and health.
Our mind has enormous capacities. We want to train our mind to see a positive future, a positive holiday and time to just spend with ourselves. Make it a point to light up all those cells with care, with love, and support.
We’re taking this time to support ourselves with self-care. We spend a lot of energy and time supporting others. That’s an important thing in our life because we’re all in this together and we need each other. You’re taking time to hold every cell in your body and its enormous intelligence in a place of awe. Sending light, love, joy, and also inviting those MIRACLE STEM CELLS to multiply and support your health and wellbeing.
Take another deep breath and just, just like go for these few moments. Just let go! There is nothing you need to do, but be in this present moment with yourself. Hold space for self-care, self-love, self-nurturing.
Now, going back to the heart, one hand over the other, and as you breathe in, breathe in the power of love, compassion, gratitude, and resilience. Close your eyes for just a moment and drink in this quiet time.
Thank you for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns your Overwhelm Warrior. Please visit my website (, sign up for my newsletter, and subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’ll see you at
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ~ Beaver Moon!
The Power of Eclipses
Sunday morning meditation with Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. On Sunday night into Monday, early in the am, we will have a full lunar eclipse. The Native Americans named the full moon corresponding with nature. The November full moon is “Beaver Moon” because the beavers were building their winter lodges and had grown their full winter coat.
Now eclipse is never come alone, so we will have a solar eclipse on the new moon, December 14th. However, this “beaver moon” lunar eclipse will begin about 2:30 AM Eastern standard time Sunday night moving slowly and run almost until 6:30 AM before it completes its cycle.
As we do this Sunday’s meditation, we want to take in the energy and the expansiveness of the full moon. So, let’s just take a breath, let it go breathing in deeply as you can, all the way down into the belly. Now, letting go breathing through that straw, taking in another deep breath and just letting go releasing any tension and dropping the shoulders. Taking this time for self-care, just time to renew from the busyness of this Thanksgiving holiday and getting ready for the work week ahead.
Silence and Quiet. As you breathe in, be aware that the incoming breath is cool. The breath leaving through the nostrils is warmed by your body’s temperature. Just being in the quiet and breathing in gently, easily creating an easy rhythm, breathing into the heart center, expanding that heart energy breathing into the heart center, which has the most electromagnetic energy flowing from this center. The heart center is the brightest and most expansive of all of our energy centers. So, in rhythm, easy breathing into the heart and expanding your energy out and getting ready to meet that full moon energy. Breathing in, imagine you can touch the moon, the stars, the vast universe around us, above us, underneath us, all simply by breathing in, letting go, releasing, breathing out. Feeling the full moon expansiveness, it’s brightness, it’s clarity as it lights up the night sky. Invited the full moon to light up your heart and to expand your energy for the days to come.
Now, place one hand over the other at the heart center, and breathe in stillness, quiet, deeper connection to yourself. Breathing in the quiet, the stillness, the light.
We’re ending this month with a full moon energy riding into the last month of 2020. Let’s invite that full moon glow to penetrate and clear every cell of the body lighting every cell up with the tremendous power and light of this universal full Beaver Moon.
Again, just, just breathing in. Being quiet, thoughtful, introspective, letting the moon of night teach you and bathe you in deep dreams. Let go, dropping the shoulders. Wherever there is still tension that you’re holding onto, with your imagination and intention, simply send the full moon light to that area for healing and renewal.
Now, lighting up each energy center of our body, bringing in divine wisdom at the crown, divine clarity for the brain, divine kindness through our words, divine communication from the throat, divine love from the heart. At the solar plexus, divine power ~ “the power of love versus the love of power” at the pelvis, divine creativity, bringing our creativity into the world to share and at the root center, divine grounding. Connecting us to reality practicality and making it possible to manifest our creativity here on earth.
One hand over the other at the heart, holding all of your being in honor and reverence just as you are in this moment in time. Bring in the light of that full moon and allow it to guide you wisely?
This is Elsie Kerns, Your Overwhelm Warrior. If there’s any way that I can help you or be of service to you, reach out to Thank you for joining me.
Thanksgiving Blessings with Gratitude!
As we enter Thanksgiving week, our focus this morning is “gratitude vs. fear”
New Moon Meditation – Time to Write Your Abundance Check!
How to Write Your Abundance Check!
Within 24 hours of the New Moon, write an Abundance Check with your intention for whatever you need and want. You can write from your personal checking, business checking, or just draw a check if you don’t have a checking account. The video on this website will show you exactly how to write and also list the remaining 2020 New Moons and all the 2021 New Moon dates (
Also, on my site here is information on how to set up an abundance session to Unlock Your Abundance in 7 Energy Zones! (
Drinking in the JOY of Indian Summer!
Grabbing the last of Summer Delight!
Good morning, this is Elsie Kerns, your overwhelm warrior welcoming you to our weekend meditation to bring you into a place of calm and centered newness for the day and the week ahead. Let’s begin one hand over the other at the heart, and I want you to take yourself to your sacred space. This might be by the ocean, hiking in the mountains, or just walking in this beautiful autumn scenery. Take a deep breath in and using your intention and imagination, take yourself to that sacred, safe space.
Now at the heart, we’re going to breathe into the heart center. The power of love, just taking a deep breath in letting it go again, breathing in the power of love into your heart center. One more time, breathing in the power of love, breathing in the gift of compassion for yourself and others. Breathing in compassion and care, breathing in compassion care and self-care. Taking this time for your own self-care and breathing in gratitude for the moment. For just this moment, breathing in deeply and, finally, breathing in resilience for the day ahead, the week ahead and the rest of 2020. Just being with yourself in this quiet, sacred space. Yes, allowing your heart to come into an easy rhythmic beating, just slow down and letting that rhythmic beating nourish your body, mind, and heart.
Breathe in the power of love, compassion, gratitude, and resilience. Again, breathing in love, compassion, gratitude, and resilience. Now sending out to the world, the power of love, compassion, gratitude, and resilience. Receive, and bring back to your heart center the power of love, the gift of compassion, gratitude for the present moment and resilience to carry you through your life.
Just taking time and this moment to notice quiet, rhythmic breathing as you breathe in and out of your heart center, letting your breath go deeper, letting your shoulders relax, and just, just letting go. There’s nothing you need to do in this moment, but just let go! And as you let go, you then have the capacity to take in and receive the abundance of the universe. As we take in the beauty and colors of autumn. We are aware of the enormous abundance of nature. Let us breathe in nature around us and just be calm for this short time. Creating that calm centered, rhythmic easy breathing can carry us gently through the day and the week ahead.
Our greatest challenge is often loving ourself, accepting ourselves. So in this short meditation, We’re taking time to do just that. Bringing in the power of love, compassion, gratitude, resilience, all in the present moment to carry us through the day, the week ahead. Notice your feet and that connection to the earth, and now bringing in the guidance and support of the divine, and the resources of heaven and earth to support you and help you. Again, breathing in, letting the shoulders drop and breathing in one last time, the power of love. the gift of compassion for self and others, gratitude in the present moment and resilience for our body, mind, heart, and soul to support us as we walk every day through life and its challenges.
Take care. Okay. Enjoy this magnificent Sunday here on the East coast in Indian summer. One more visit to the warm sunshine and 70 degree weather today. Fill your heart and soul. Let the sunshine in and take time to just kick back and relax.
Thanks for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns. Hope you have a great day. And I just want to say hello to Lisa and thank her for joining me and all of you. This is Elsie Kerns, your overwhelm warrior and if there’s any way I can help you, please feel free to reach out to me at!
It’s a Blue Moon Halloween Weekend!
Celebrating Halloween Full Blue Moon!
Welcome to weekend meditation. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior, and this is Halloween weekend and equally important, we have a double full moon, a blue moon for Saturday night. With that full moon, I’m inviting you for this meditation to expand and to receive the abundance of the universe.
Let’s begin with a deep breath in fill your lungs and blow out like you’re blowing through a straw. Again, breathing in deeply. One more time, deep, deep breath, open those lungs.
Now let’s come out of our heads, into our hearts. Breathe in the power of love, compassion, gratitude and resilience. Become aware of the energy of your inner world and what you observe in your outer world. Closing your eyes, become aware of your inner world. Remember the moon represents the feminine energy, while the sun represents the masculine energy. The moon shines light through the darkness of the night sky. Check in, check in with your inner being slipping into the darkness and just notice what’s going on for you internally.
As you breathe in, be aware of that autonomic nervous system whose intelligence is just running the body easily minute to minute. We don’t have to think about breathing, walking, moving, because we are in a living miracle. Our bodies are a living miracle.
The heart just naturally exudes the most electromagnetic energy of all of the other energy centers. It has its own neurons and peptides and its own brain. Check in with yourself. Remember that when you need a solution or an “aha” moment. It will rest in the brilliance of your heart center and not your head. Now, bring the body, mind and spirit into a place of calm. Just ask everything to slow down and to relax. Check on any areas of tension internally and then with your intention and visualization, send love and care to that area. As you take a breath in, double check your shoulders and just let them drop and be relaxed.
With that full-blown energy from both your internal world and external world set intention to simply receive the abundance of the full moon energy as well as that universal abundance that is just waiting for us to ask and receive. Let that full moon energy expand your own energy and nourish you with calming, relaxing, rejuvenating, energy, and the life force. You may take a walk in the full moon this weekend and let again, that brilliance of the full moon. Nourish you on every level. This is a blue moon because it is the second full moon in the month of October. And in addition to the blue moon, we celebrate Halloween. Then we also get a chance in Eastern daylight time to turn the clocks back for an extra hour of sleep and become Eastern standard time.
So again, as you continue to breathe in and out with that natural rhythm, just drink in the light of a full moon. Remember we are energetic electrical light beings. So, amp up your light this weekend with the energy of both the blue full moon and this easy exercise. Bringing your arms up just begin weaving that figure eight and say, “I bring in the new and push out the old. Again, bringing in the new, pushing out the old, bringing in that full moon energy, releasing old stale energy. Nourish yourself with the light of the full moon to expand your own energy. And one more time bringing in the new, pushing out the old, expanding and expanding our energy as far as it would like to reach. Now, gathering all of that energy right back into the heart center allowing that full moon energy to enhance your human and divine preciousness. Close your eyes, enjoy the presence of the expanded energy that you have just created. Hold the power of love, remember compassion for self and others and never forget gratitude for all that you have as you continue to build resilience.
Thank you for joining me for this weekend meditation. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. Feel free to reach out to me if I can help you in any way. Simply go to Be safe. I’ll see you next week.
Letting Go of Fear!
Step into Stillness~
Weekend meditation with Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. Welcome.
Let us begin by stepping into this universal grid of grace, healing and wisdom, and the stillness of the universe behind me.
Just take a breath in. Notice the air coming in is cool. And the air leaving has been warmed by your body. Breathe in gently, easily, In and out, just slowing down, taking this 10-minutes for your personal self-care.
Breathing in gently letting go naturally coming down now to the heart and imagine that we’re stepping into the sacred chambers of the heart energy, the life force, electrical energy of the heart. With your imagination and intention, imagine that you just step through those chambers and there is a very comfortable chair waiting there for you to sit in, and just let go.
As you sit down and get comfortable, close your eyes and take another deep, deep breath just saying to yourself. I am safe, I am calm, I am relaxed. Let your shoulders drop and just become aware of the rhythmic breathing and sound of your heart. Allow that rhythmic breathing as the heart pumps in and out naturally to connect to the heartbeat of mother earth.
Speaking gently to the heart, acknowledge its physical ability to keep beating every moment of the day, aware of its emotional connection to all of those around you and to the great divine. Know that the heart has been called the second brain because it has a unique intelligence. When we’re trying to solve something and we’re stuck in our head, if we bring that energy down, the answer usually lies in our heart. Finally, acknowledge the spirit of the heart that connects us to the mysteries of the universe, and that guides us and provides intuitive information, knowing on every level physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. The heart serves us tirelessly.
Sitting in that comfortable chair within the heart chambers, acknowledge the magnetic force of your heart on all of these levels, and take a moment to fill your heart and all of your being with gratitude and love. Let that love expand around you and fill every single cell of your body and continue out and expand to create a circle of joy around you. Sit quietly in that joy, in that love for yourself and this special time for self-care.
Let’s combine the attributes of all of our energy. Bring in divine wisdom at the crown, divine clarity at that neocortex, divine speech, and at the throat divine communication. Divine love from the heart, divine power at the solar plexus, the power of love versus the love of power. Across the pelvis, we have the power of creativity and creating life, as well as birthing ourself in this reality, and at the root center, divine grounding to the earth for support.
Now, just relax as you sit back and enjoy this high vibration of all the energy you’ve created within your being and around your being, and now allowing yourself to connect to the community of all of those on our meditation, and aware of the community of earth.
With your eyes closed, just breathe in and out. Breathe in with the heartbeat, your heartbeat that connects to the heartbeat of mother earth. Feel that sense of calm, relaxation, and safety.
Again, I am safe, I am calm, I am relaxed, I am love, I am light, I am health, I am wealth, I am grateful, I am moving forward with ease, grace and gratitude. Stay with the stillness until you are ready to begin your day.
This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. Thank you for joining me. If there is any way I can help you with whatever issues you’re dealing with please feel free to reach out to me at Overwhelm Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you next week.
Meet the Infinity Sign ~
Magical Figure 8’s
Good morning. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. Here is our weekend meditation. Let’s just take a deep breath. Fill your lungs all the way up and let go. Let your shoulders drop. And just set this 10-minutes aside for your own self-care.
We’re going to begin today with the figure 8, the Infinity Sign, and we’re going to work with improving our eyesight. Begin right here between the eyebrows and we’re going to draw around the eyes and create that figure 8. It’s very soothing and we’re just going back and forth easily and lovingly to support our eyes. We are a very visual culture. So, our eyes are extremely important
Next, we’re going to come to our throat area. This is our communication, and we’re going to just support the throat one hand over the other, and we’re going to be off the throat. We don’t want to be too close. We’re going to bring that blue sky right down over us and let it surround the throat for healing, for love, for speaking, with kindness presence, attention, and again, just breathing in gently and letting go.
We can also do figure 8’s here from ear to ear. Again, remember that Infinity Sign represents endless energy, so we’re just supporting the throat and our communication.
Next, we’re going to make a three-finger notch, middle finger, index finger and thumb and we’re going to come right above the heart here as this area works with our heart and soul longings. We’re going to upwell our heart and soul longings and our passion. What is our passion? Touch into it! What does our heart want to do more than anything else? Now, we’ll just place one hand over the other at this heart and soul longing area, this high heart area where we will upwell and support what it is we love to do most. Then just taking a nice deep breath and let go.
Now we’re going to bring the palms down right across the chest. We want to support the lungs. We want to literally love those lungs, just supporting them for the breath, for the ease of breathing. And we just want to step in to this area with all the love that we can give the lungs that are breathing in and out for us every second of the day. And if we are struggling with any congestion, we literally want to rake out, rake out the lungs just with our intention, our imagination. Raking them out. And again, coming back and gently loving them. Remember the lungs are a feminine organ, and they are working all the time for us. They don’t get a break, so supporting them and loving them, connecting with them and letting the body know how much we appreciate every organ is very healing. Again, taking a deep breath in and letting go.
Now bring your fingertips up right between the eyebrows. Again, this is the beginning of bladder Meridian and it also works with our nervous system. So, at this place I’m asking you to bring to mind and vision, visualize someone you love, or a great event that happened as a special memory. Bring that up, visualize that. Just close your eyes for a moment and visualize that person or event, whatever it is that brings you joy. And now I want you to tap in the joy that you are visualizing. We want to program the nervous system for more joy. We absolutely need joy in our life these days. Now, we’re just tapping in joy, the joy of the visualization that you have brought up. During the day If it’s sunny or something special happens, or you see someone or just attend a great event or have a great day, tap in the joy, reprogram your brain, and your nervous system for JOY.
And now come down one hand over the other, right over that heart center, that heart energy center, and just continue to breathe in. Send love to that visualization, whether it’s that person or event that you brought up, just let that sink in deeply to your heart.
As you hold your heart, close your eyes. Now just whisper to yourself, I am enough, I am enough. Now, just hold all of your being in love, honor, and reverence just as you are in this moment in time breathing in gently and letting go. Letting the shoulders drop again, letting the breath have an easy rhythm.
Finally sending that infinity sign, that figure 8’s out to the world and back to you for the very best that life can offer you at this moment, and every moment!
Take a body check. Notice how you feel. Take another few minutes to just be with yourself in quiet time of self-care.
Thanks for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns your Overwhelm Warrior and I invite you to join me for a Tele-Energy call and I’ll put that link below. Have a wonderful day, a great week ahead.
Step into the Universal Grid of Grace, Healing, and Wisdom
Good morning, this is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior welcoming you to our Sunday meditation. Today it’s going to be our divine grace meditation. So take a breath and just let go. Let go of anxiety, worry, fear, doubt. Whatever you’re struggling with now. Take a deep breath in and just let go. Let your shoulders drop. Just relax for this brief 10 minutes as I invite you to step with me into the Universal Grid of grace, healing, and wisdom.
Let’s begin by bringing our palms together in front of the heart. We’re going to bring our palms up on top of the crown and we’re bringing in divine wisdom, filling our being with wisdom and support. Hi, Elaine. Glad you’re with me. So again, just at the crown, bringing in divine wisdom, we all can use some divine wisdom.
Bringing the palms down to the forehead and here we’re bringing in divine clarity so can we think with clarity, and can we see what we need to do with clarity. As we age divine clarity becomes even more important to us.
Now, the throat area is our communication. Bring in divine communication, divine speech, and speaking from a place of kindness, divine kindness. So at that throat center, reminding ourselves, how important communication is to be spoken with love and respect for one another.
Coming down to the heart, divine love, remembering that the heart exudes the most electromagnetic energy of any organ in the body. Being aware of how powerful the electric heart is and inviting and experiencing the power of love within each of us.
Bringing our palms down to the solar plexus area and bringing in divine power. The right use of power, power versus force. So when we bring in divine power, we’re coming from a place of great respect. We get to see the bigger picture with compassion for all.
Down over the pelvis, divine creativity from this center, we not only birth life, but our creativity has the opportunity to be birthed through us here on the earth. And, in order to do that, We need divine grounding at the root center so that we can connect to the earth and feel supported and safe in our everyday life.
Send love and light, grounding, as we let our palms beam energy down to our feet, grounding us, rooting us in the earth, in the safety and support of Mother Earth.
So once again, we’re going to acknowledge all of these divine blessings starting with divine wisdom at the crown, connecting that to divine clarity, divine clarity connected to divine communication. Speaking from a place of kindness, respect. Divine communication connected to divine love at the heart and the power of the electrical heart. Divine love at the heart connected to divine power at the solar plexus, the right use of power. And as we enter this Age from Aquarius, and the divine feminine, we look to lead with the right use of power, love, support, compassion, divine power, connected to divine creativity of the pelvis, where we can not only birth life but birth our ideas, our creativity here on the earth, divine creativity connected to the root center for divine grounding so that we are totally supported by the earth and mother earth supporting her as well and letting the palms just beam energy down to the feet, rooting us in the support of Mother Earth.
Come back to the power of the heart, breathing in the power of love, breathing in that Universal Grid of grace healing, and wisdom into our entire being. Take a moment to close your eyes and just breathe in that universal grid of grace, healing, wisdom, to raise the vibration of up every aspect of your body, mind, heart, and soul. Again, breathing in the power of love, breathing out anxiety, fear, doubt, worry, tension, dropping the shoulders. And, finally, just holding all of your being in love honor, and reverence just as you are at this moment in time.
Thank you for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns. You’re Overwhelm Warrior. Have a wonderful Sunday and week ahead. And if there’s any way that I can help you reach out to me at Thanks, Anne. I love those hearts you posted. Have a great day everyone.
Mindful Kindness
Weekend meditation with Elsie, your Overwhelm Warrior. Let’s take time this weekend meditation for mindful kindness. Begin one hand over the heart area and whisper your name. Say to yourself, “you’re okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you. Okay. I’m holding you. I’m supporting you. You can just relax and let go.”
Now, breathing in, notice that as you breathe in through the nostrils, the air is cool. On your exhale, the air is warm. Breathe in just paying attention to the air coming in and the air exhaling. Again, breathing in noticing the breathe in and breathing out, going back and just saying, “I am love. I am light. I am health. I am abundance. I am kind. I am present.” Breathing in noticing and just being present with where you are and how you are in this moment.
Mindfully holding your being with loving kindness, with your intention again for loving kindness. Letting go of the past, not focused on the future, just being in this present moment. Whispering your name that holds your energetic signature and holds all parts of you at all ages. And again, just saying, “you’re okay, you’re safe, I am holding you and supporting you. There’s nothing you need to do in this moment,but just breathe in and out and relax.”
So again, a deep breath in dropping the shoulders, allowing yourself to be connected to your heart, to the loving kindness of your heart. And as you are connected, deeper and deeper to the loving kindness of your heart, you can then extend loving kindness, compassion, and support to those around you.
Breathing in, just letting go, letting go of thoughts, worries, doubts, letting go of fear, anxiety, distrust. Instead holding resilience, strength, fortitude, courage, kindness, love and transformation.
The entire world is going through a transformation and we are all part of it. So, let’s just relax. Let’s ride the waves of this transformation. And especially the ways of your own transformation as it happens organically, and naturally. Let’s surrender to this transformation and to a transformation of the world. Holding yourself and the world with mindful kindness, mindful kindness that expands the energy of your heart, deepens your relationship with your inner being, and then it shows in your outer being.
Close your eyes for a moment. And again, just whisper your name and let yourself know. You are safe, you are held and supported that you’re holding all of your being in love honor and reverence just as you are in this moment in time. With mindful kindness and awareness, allow this mindful kindness to enter your heart and then to radiate out from your heart to the world around you. Again, a deep breath in and just letting go, just coming in to a state of quiet, relaxation and drinking in mindful kindness for yourself and for all those around you. Take time every day to practice mindful kindness.
Thank you for joining me today. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. If there is any way that I can help you, reach out to overwhelm
Have a great week ahead and keep filling every day with mindful kindness.
Meet the Magical Healing Spoon!
Welcome. This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior, with our weekend meditation. I want to start by sharing with you this magical spoon that is part of my energy medicine toolkit. Let me tell you why I consider it a magical spoon. We all have polarity at our head North and South, and also at our feet, North and South.
So my palm is South. The back of my hand is north. And when we work with people energetically, we use muscle testing in order to determine if their polarity needs any correction. So if I go up to my head and put my palm over my head, my head is north, my palm is south and most people are fine. If I turn my palm over, the back of my hand on the top of my head, that makes it north to north and people usually get a bounce.
That’s not going to work. Same as if you tried to put two north to north side magnets together, they wouldn’t stick. But there’s something different that happens when we come down to the feet. Again, we’re using a little kinesiology, a little muscle testing, and we just tap the bottom of the feet and see if that polarity north to south is holding and very often it’s not. And part of the reason for that is because we’re really living in the unknown. All of the structure that we’ve known has been just falling apart right before our eyes. So it’s been very hard to stay grounded, to feel safe, to feel centered. But there’s a very easy trick that we can use here. We simply spoon the bottom of the feet. I actually do that figure eight on the bottom of my feet and my clients for just a minute or so on each foot. And almost always when I retest and I put north to south, it holds and corrects the polarity of the feet very quickly, very easily. It’s a good thing to do every day. It’s just a stainless steel spoon and that stainless steel sort of drags the energy down to the feet to ground you.
You know airline stewardess, pilots, people that are flying a great deal can often struggle with some osteoporosis because they keep getting disconnected from the electromagnetics of the earth. That is another reason why after we fly, we can tend to have jet lag. So a very easy thing to do when you get where you’re going after flying, just spoon your feet to help you get grounded again, relax, and connect to the earth.
On our weekend meditation let’s just focus and allow ourselves to relax, to feel supported, to feel grounded and connected to the earth because that also helps our root center and our root center lights up the rest of our energy centers. If that root center is out of polarity or out of balance, that does create a problem for us because it doesn’t let that energy flow as easily as it could be flowing for us. Use that magical spoon, just stainless steel spoon, spooning the bottom of your feet using that figure eight, the infinity sign adds another plus.
Now sitting comfortably, or if you’re lying down or if you’re walking, just listen to my voice. Close your eyes. If you can, wherever you are and take a deep breath in and breathe out as though you’re blowing through a straw. Again, breathing in deeply filling the lungs, releasing. Breathing in deeply letting the shoulders relax, letting them just roll back, feeling comfortable. Now just for a moment. Remember that we can only be in the present moment. If we are thinking of the past, it’s gone. If we’re trying to figure out what we’re going to do tomorrow or later today, or the future, it’s not here yet. So set intention to bring yourself into the present moment with yourself.
As you breathe in, be aware of your lungs, holding the breath of life. We are in lung season and lungs hold our anxiety and our grief. As we enter Fall, we see the weather changing. We feel the air is cooler. We see the leaves drying out, falling to the ground. And we know we’re going to be saying goodbye to summer.
So again, just breathing in, letting in the life force of the present moment. There’s nothing you need to do, but just be with yourself. At this time, taking time for self-care, for letting life slow down, letting the body externally and internally. Relax. Inviting the nervous system to calm, to relax, to let go. Breathing in deeply. Just letting go. Again, breathing in deeply and just letting go, letting the cool breeze of September, fill your lungs. Exhaling. exhaling, your worries, your doubts, your fears, just letting them go. As you let go of those fears and doubts worries. You make room. To bring in light love, grounding, and safety. As you breathe in and breathe out, feel your feet, feel your feet connected to the floor. Imagine your feet sinking into the earth. You can imagine yourself standing in the ocean and as the waves roll in and out, your feet sink gently, deeper and deeper into the sand. Imagine just sitting in your beach chair and again, feeling your feet sinking into the earth as you watch the waves roll in toward you and back out, set intention using your imagination to allow yourself to simply be connected and grounded and supported by the earth. Mother earth is struggling. She needs our support and we need her support.
Placing one hand over the other, right at the heart center, allow yourself to fill your heart center with the power of love, gratitude, and resilience. Now you can extend your love out to the world. You can expand your love, your gratitude, your strength, and your resilience to others as you build these qualities inside your own being. So again, breathing into the heart center, filling the heart with the power of love and gratitude with light, resilience, care, and support. And as we are here at the heart, let us take time to express gratitude for this miracle body that we’re walking in every day and just let go and trust in the innate healing wisdom of your body, mind, and spirit.
Thank you for joining me for our weekend. Meditation. Stay connected to this or a few more moments and keep feeling that grounded support. To help you walk through today and the rest of the week till we meet again next Sunday.
This is Elsie Kerns, your Overwhelm Warrior. And if there’s any way that I can assist you, please reach out to me. And don’t forget to spoon your feet every day. Let me know how it works for you. Have a great day and week ahead.
Loving those Lungs!
Here we are at labor day weekend, the end of summer and getting ready to go back to school and how that looks for everyone across the country – very different. This Sunday, this weekend, let’s just take these few moments to come into a place of calm and quiet.
So I want you to place one hand just across your lungs. We’re in the Fall season, and that works with our lungs. They’re working for us all the time. They hold our anxiety, our grief. And, of course, we see the leaves falling. We see the fact that we’re at the end of summer officially, and that we’re going to have to say goodbye to summer and move into cooler weather and eventually winter. one hand across the lines, just holding this area, aware of the anxiety and grief that we’re holding across the world as a result of all that has happened during the last nine months. Let’s take our other hand and just place it gently over the naval area because just above the navel works with an adrenal energy point. We want to calm that fight or flight. And just below the navel, it works with a cortisol energy point. And we want to keep that cortisol down, calm and quiet. That’s the bad boy hormone that can really create disruption in our life. So as you hold these two areas, just close your eyes. Take a breath in and just let go, take another breath in and this time as you blow out, imagine you’re blowing through a straw. Again, a deep breath in blowing out through the straw, letting the shoulders drop, being aware of any part of the body that’s holding tension and just send your awareness to that part of the body and bringing in compassion and love for that area. Now, just holding the lungs with one hand and with the other hand, hold over the navel area. Eyes closed, say…
I am calm. I am safe. I am love. I am light. I am compassionate. I am gratitude. I am limitless. I am power. I am enough.
Take a deep breath and, and again, just exhale gently in the midst of these difficult times. Okay. Whisper quietly to yourself again.
I am calm. I am safe. I am resilient. I am amazing. I am magical. I am here. I am divine. I am a caretaker of the earth. I am honoring mother nature in all of her forms and expressions. I am present. I am in the present moment. I let go of the past and remain in the present. I am grounded.
I am heart-centered. I am kind. I am understanding. I am strong. I am also vulnerable. I am human and yes, I am all these things at the same time. There is nothing I need to do at this moment. But be in the present moment.
I am alive. I am vibrant. I am healthy. I am abundant. I am part of this world and blessed with the incredible life around me. I’m an integral part of the universe, the entire quantum energy field.
I am calm. I am relaxed. I am connected to the divine and I am grounded in the belly of the earth.
I am holding all of my being in love honor and reverence just as I am at this moment in time!
I embrace this long holiday weekend honoring the end of summer and awakening to the Fall season and new beginning for the days ahead.
Deep breath in and just let go, just rest and relax with this long holiday weekend. Okay. Revitalize your being for the week ahead and the season ahead.
Thank you for joining me. This is Elsie Kerns. You’re Overwhelm Warrior. And if there’s any way that I can assist you. Please feel free to reach out to
Have a fabulous weekend. And thank you for joining me.
This morning, let us do the blessing of the energy centers created by Dr. Joe Dispenza. What we’re really doing is connecting the endocrine system, balancing the hormonal system, pineal pituitary, thyroid thymus, pancreas reproductive system, and the root center.
Bless Your Endocrine Centers
Let us go right up those endocrine centers, those energy centers and bless each one. When we started, the root center, this connects us into the earth. It supports us to feel safe on mother earth and she is holding us.
The color is red or maroon, and this roots center enables us to manifest our creativity in all of our every day work here in three dimensional reality. It gives us a sense of security and safety and helps us present ourselves here on the earth.
When we come up to the reproductive center at the pelvis, we have that bright orange color. And here, this area is literally the creative area from where we can birth and create life. But also from this area, you have enormous amount of creativity through that whole pelvic area, not only our reproductive system, but again, connecting with the root and allowing us to birth ourselves here on the earth. So let us take a moment to just bless that root safety center, that pelvis creative center, and just take a breath and let go.
Let’s move up to the solar plexus and beautiful yellows and golds. And this center holds all of our major organs, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney and adrenals in the back. It can be a difficult center for us. It works with our emotions and how we see ourselves in the world, how others see us, it’s part of our ego center. So we just want to come in here and tame that ego a little bit and realize that “we are enough” loving the body and supporting all of these organs that are so vital to our being. And again, taking in a breath, letting go, blessing the center.
So now we’ve blessed these lower centers at the root, pelvis, and the solar plexus.
Now we come up to the heart, which is the rainbow bridge between our lower centers and our higher centers at the throat, forehead and crown. When we come to the heart, this center exudes the most electrical vibration of any center. On our body. It supports us to live physically. It provides enormous emotional experiences and it also connects us to the divine, to that spirit part of us so that we are not just Homo Sapiens, but Homo Spiritus. At the heart, one hand over the other, just recognizing how valuable this precious organ is to our existence, acknowledging its great power and holding the center in love. This center is often pictured in Emerald greens and beautiful pinks roses. And some say it’s gold. We use that expression, the person has a heart of gold. Take a breath here and breathe in, breathe in the power of love.
Then one more time and just relax. Let the shoulders drop and smile.
Now we come up to the throat for speaking our truth, speaking our needs and wants. And the color here is sky blue. So we bring down that blue sky that’s out there today. Magnificent blue sky, right over this area. Let’s draw a couple of figure 8’s to support it. Okay and realize how from this area it can be difficult sometimes to express our needs and wants. So we bless the center and hold it in compassion and care.
As we move up to the forehead, we see that beautiful lavender. And from here, we have that neocortex, that powerful brain power that allows us to be human. That allows us to think and create and perceive on the spiritual level. It also helps us connect deeper to the divine. Through meditation, quiet time reflection slowing down. So this morning, let us just slow down. Let us just drink in the sunshine that’s out there today and slow down.
At the crown, we have that opening to that quantum energy field, endless energy of the universe, the magic of all that is, and from this connection to the divine and to that quantum energy field we’ll use visualization and vision to see our future, to move into our future, to create receive inspiration through this center and we ask for peace and calm.
As we reach these higher centers at the forehead and the crown, we take time now, just close your eyes and let go. And again, with our intention, with our awareness, blessing the crown center, connecting us to the divine, at the forehead, allowing us to take that divine inspiration and create new ideas, new events, new experiences.
Blessing the crown, the forehead, and gently moving down to the throat thyroid area blessing this center, and place of expression. Blessing the heart. She is beating for us every second of the day, she has our lifeline to life. Blessing the heart, that rainbow bridge between our higher centers and our lower centers coming down, holding that solar plexus and all of the organs, the liver, gallbladder, pancrease, spleen, in a place of honor for all their work that they’re doing just for us. Blessing the solar plexus center and moving to the pelvic area, this reproductive creative center, holding us, allowing us to birth ourself through that root center and our ideas here in the world. Allowing that root to safely connect us to mother earth.
Closing the eyes, letting the shoulders simply relax, letting the thoughts quiet. Letting everything, just be still for these few moments of self care, self love, self honor. Take another deep breath, breathe in the power of love. gratitude, compassion, and resilience. See your day going beautifully.
And your week ahead, with this full moon on Tuesday, amplifying all of your gifts and your life.
This is Elsie Kerns. Thank you for joining me today. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and if there’s any way that I can help you in your journey, reach out to me. Elsie Kerns
Take care.
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