Meet The Overwhelm Warrior
Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated, exhausted, lack of confidence, sleep-deprived, or burnt-out instead of energized? That was where I was in my early 40’s and included addictive behavior, declining health, and relationship problems. Then, through a series of synchronistic events, I began learning how to engage the natural healing wisdom of my body, mind, and spirit.
We have all heard that famous line, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” To my surprise, the first teacher showed up during a family vacation in the Florida Keys while swimming with dolphins. Something magical happened when one dolphin followed me to the floating dock ladder and insisted on a kiss atop his bottleneck nose. Returning home, I found myself devouring books on Native American tradition, alternative healing, spirituality, and channeling. New ideas challenged my Roman Catholic upbringing.
My reading quest led me to Barbara Brennan’s groundbreaking book, Hands of Light, and then a workshop with her at the Whole Life Expo. She weaved through the aisles with her enormous energetic presence waving an Eagle feather and stopped by my chair speaking words of inspiration. Never had I experienced such a force of energy. The next step was the 4-year healing science training at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing held in Long Island then. Graduating at age 50 in 1994, I found out this was just the beginning.
During the Brennan training, Core Energetic Therapy was required and provided healing insight into my own being, ego structure, weaknesses, and strengths. Barbara Brennan felt, and rightly so, that if you were going to be working on clients in the healing arts, you also needed to work on yourself. However, growing up Irish Catholic, the idea of therapy would only be an option if you were going to jump off the Ben Franklin Bridge. And, even then, you might reconsider after a beer or two to regain your composure.
Next, I pursued studies in the 3-year training with Jason Shulman at A Society of Souls School. Jason is the most creative teacher I’ve ever had the privilege of studying under. Additional training in the healing arts includes Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Reiki Mastership, and Craniosacral Therapy interspersing these educational healing training.
An opportunity to continue working on my own personal development was pursued with the 7-year Diamond Heart Psycho-Spiritual Training. Then, I found my way into Energy Medicine and the exciting 4-year Eden Energy Medicine training with the charismatic Donna Eden. Donna’s award-winning books, Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women introduced an all-natural healing system that is available 24/7!
Turning 80 in 2023, I marvel at what an exciting ride the past 30 years have been – not always easy – but never dull! My passion is teaching, coaching, and empowering clients with easy, effective, and practical stress solutions available 24/7 to restore, revitalize, and renew one’s energy and passion for life. As an Advanced Eden Method Practitioner, Authorized EM101-102 Teacher, and Reiki Master, I offer one-on-one consultations, coaching, worksite wellness, webinars, and virtual sessions.
As a Wellness Educator, Elsie has over 28 years of training and expertise in the field of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Wellness presentations include classes at Drexel University’s Goodwin College of Professional Studies; Drexel’s graduate program in Complementary and Integrative Medicine and Camden County College’s Holistic Health Institute.
Elsie’s passion is teaching and her goal is to empower clients with easy, effective and practical stress solutions. These self-care healthy lifestyle options restore, revitalize, and renew one’s energy and passion for life.
Elsie is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, Authorized EM101-102 Teacher and Energy Medicine for Women Instructor.
Private Consultations, Worksite Wellness, Seminars, and Webinars are some of the ways Elsie teaches life-long wellness.
Work With Elsie
Energy Healing
Mt. Laurel, New Jersey
YouTube Channel
Free Sunday Meditations
Virtual Abundance Session
Online Educational Webinars
Wellness Session (Virtual or In-office)
Intuitive Guidance Session (Virtual or In-office)
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